Should Students Be Served Breakfast?
Yes because some people don’t have
breakfast at home
and it is really important to have breakfast
in the morning
because it gives you energy, and it also
helps you focus on
the lesson and also some kids are very poor
so sometimes they
don’t even have lunch or dinner even.
breakfast at home
and it is really important to have breakfast
in the morning
because it gives you energy, and it also
helps you focus on
the lesson and also some kids are very poor
so sometimes they
don’t even have lunch or dinner even.
So I think every school should have breakfast for all
those poor people that come to all
those poor people that come to all
And if you do not agree its okay because
I have some
reasons that you should because it costs a
lot of money.
I have some
reasons that you should because it costs a
lot of money.